Thursday, April 14, 2011

Narrative Gymnastics Story

The Gymnasium looked spectacular as I approached onto the floor. The smell of chalk surrounded the room. The bars squeeked as a gymnast did her routine, and some mellow music played. I remained in the room as I tried to decide who the gymnast on the bar was. All of her tricks were perfect, and each movement was graceful. She remained to throw tricks that seemed practically impossible. As I waited her to finish, she landed with a wonderful landing. The routine contained no imperfection. As the gymnast finished she looked my way and she was the olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson. I was so impressed and nervous. Shawn consisted to tell me how "practice makes perfect", and how "hard she worked". The gymnast approached me closer and taught me some gymnastics techniques. She showed me how to do some tricks an easier way than how I learned. Shawn happened to a great person and a teacher.

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