Wednesday, April 20, 2011

cause and effect On gymnastics

Gymnastics remains as a very crucial sport.http://http// Falling compares to simply walking around for any other human being. In gymnastics falling doesn't remain as an option.http://http// Sometimes a gymnast will fall after doing something they have done a million times due to them not having the correct technique.http://http// Gymnasts also loose points for not having a perfect performance. If a gymnast makes the slightest mistake consequences occur. If a gymnast has the wrong technique she or he may injure themselves severely. http://http// example if a gymnast does not lock her arms in a back handspring she can either injure her head, shoulder, or back depending on how she falls.http://http// If she locks her arms to much she may severely shatter her arms or wrists.http://http// Sometimes to much technique can also throw off a routine completely. If a gymnast puts to much power into a trick they may over rotate and fall. http://http// Gymnasts have many cause and effects to what they do.http://http//

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Advocacy On Gymnastics

Gymnasts take many risks and never show fear. http://http// A gymnast has many obsticles to conquer and fear may not interupt them. Gymnasts flip and fly through the air. The tricks they attempt may appear impossible. Although gymnasts conquer the unimaginable. A gymnast attempt a new trick that may kill them every day. http://http// Some gymnasts even make up their own tricks and have them named after them. The judges can even throw that trick into a routine someone must do just to judge them harder.http://http// Some tricks may include an arabian, a giant, or Tsukahara. http://http// A gymnastics trick can never remain easy. Tricks can always remain perfected and take alot of practice. http://http// conquer a trick a lot of confidence and dedication coincides. http://http//

Some gymnasts will spend years on a trick just to perform with that trick in one routine. With no fear a gymnast can conquer just about anything and the technique will come natural. http://http// resides from a gymnasts having the courage to attempt a skill and will hold them back.http://http//

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Narrative Gymnastics Story

The Gymnasium looked spectacular as I approached onto the floor. The smell of chalk surrounded the room. The bars squeeked as a gymnast did her routine, and some mellow music played. I remained in the room as I tried to decide who the gymnast on the bar was. All of her tricks were perfect, and each movement was graceful. She remained to throw tricks that seemed practically impossible. As I waited her to finish, she landed with a wonderful landing. The routine contained no imperfection. As the gymnast finished she looked my way and she was the olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson. I was so impressed and nervous. Shawn consisted to tell me how "practice makes perfect", and how "hard she worked". The gymnast approached me closer and taught me some gymnastics techniques. She showed me how to do some tricks an easier way than how I learned. Shawn happened to a great person and a teacher.